Plank’s 20th Anniversary Party
Warren Wilansky
septembre 26, 2018

Regular readers of our Journal know that we are marking our 20th anniversary as a company this year. To celebrate, we invited our alumni and friends to come together and party like it’s…1998.
Last Saturday night, we filled the Lion D’Or with over a hundred pals of Plank and, we can safely say a great time was had by all. Steve and I want to thank absolutely everyone for coming out, especially those alumni who travelled from far and wide to be there.
We also wanted to take a moment to thank Erin for organizing the affair, and give a shout-out to all of those who contributed to the evening:
Allen Mendelsohn, our emcee, for shining a light on Plank’s history with a very entertaining presentation.
Alumni Christiane Magee, Geoffrey Weeks, Nancy Beaton, and GW Brazier for sharing their memories and well-wishes.
The band Natation for bringing the rock ‘n’ roll.
DJ Marc Beauchamp for keeping us dancing late into the night.
Co/Crea Studio for the unique handmade ceramic gifts.
The entire staff of the Cabaret Lion D’Or for the gorgeous venue, delicious food, and standout service.
And Paul Stewart for taking beautiful photographs, some of which you can enjoy below…

If you’re on teh Facebookz, check out our photo album and get to tagging!